Permissive in a sentence as an adjective

Put it on GitHub with a permissive license and accept pull requests.

We've released it, permissive license, for everyone to use.

FreeBSD and Netbsd are often chosen due to the more permissive licensing agreements.

You could release the code with a permissive license, and release art assets with a restrictive license.

What a slap in the face of those who use commercially-permissive OSS libraries in their software...

"The BSD vs. GPL, which is more "free" or "permissive", argument has been going on for decades and is not going to be settled in this thread.

The point of the promise was to clarify the permissive license to use Microsoft's IP as it relates to C#.

A free software supporter, by contrast, will avoid permissive licenses for the same reason.

Someone who is into open source will often like permissive licenses because they let them reuse open source code in proprietary code.

It is a complete and fully functional mobile OS under extremely permissive licensing.

I expected a permissive license or an open-core strategy to monetize proprietary components and not be friendly with the free software community, but that doesn't seem to be the case here.

"...there are increasing calls for creating a more permissive environment for active network defense that allows companies not only to stabilize a situation but to take further steps, including actively retrieving stolen information, altering it within the intruders networks, or even destroying the information within an unauthorized network.

Permissive definitions


not preventive


granting or inclined or able to grant permission; not strict in discipline; "direct primary legislation is largely permissive rather than prescriptive"; "permissive parents"