Garbage in a sentence as a noun

Don't leave your program in a garbage state and keep going.

That's when I realized his work on automatic garbage collection had gone too far.

Technically, so is YouTube, but you probably don't look at all the garbage.

It's not unusual to see bags of trash sitting by these things with random garbage scattered around or on top of them.

And I don't _ever_ want to hear that kind of obvious garbage and idiocy from a kernel maintainer again.

The implementation will need a garbage-collector, a delicate, complicated, and cumbersome piece of code to write.

Talk about complicating a simple problem!Again, apologies for the rant but I couldn't even concentrate on what the blog post was saying because I was so distracted by this garbage.

No one in 1988 could say "a dynamic, prototype-based, garbage-collected language paired with a simple event model will allow developers to create simple real-time network applications easily in 2011".

If I'd decided to rape 4chan for all it was worth, as many would have, I'd probably be sitting on a pretty pile money from now, but as someone who has browsed the site daily for the past 10 years, the thought of seeing it littered with ads and other garbage makes my stomach sick.

Garbage definitions


food that is discarded (as from a kitchen)

See also: refuse scraps


a worthless message

See also: drivel


a receptacle where waste can be discarded; "she tossed the moldy bread into the garbage"