Cumbersome in a sentence as an adjective

Besides being quite cumbersome to ask my friends there are many areas where I just dont trust them.

[2] I'm using 'light' to refer to how cumbersome and complex the game mechanics are.

From 1996 to 2006, every state enacted graduated driving laws that make it more cumbersome for young people to get licenses.

But lacking good terminology makes this discussion that much more cumbersome and difficult.

The implementation will need a garbage-collector, a delicate, complicated, and cumbersome piece of code to write.

This requires either writing a user-space TCP library or doing some nasty tunneling at the kernel level, but even as cumbersome as this is, it's still not a reason enough to re-invent the wheel.

- Procedures & timetables to fill: I were required to follow the most cumbersome procedures even for the simplier tasks and file every single small detail of what I've done in a form somewhere for monitoring purposes.

It's illegal in SF even if you own your own place:San Francisco bans all residential rentals of less than 30 days unless the hosts have a conditional use permit - an expensive and cumbersome process that virtually everyone ignores.

It's rarely perfect in the first iteration but they can see how doing this makes them more productive, and it beats getting a bunch of confused requirements from confused business owners, or working off cumbersome and inflexible product requirement documents.

Cumbersome definitions


difficult to handle or use especially because of size or weight; "a cumbersome piece of machinery"; "cumbrous protective clothing"

See also: cumbrous


not elegant or graceful in expression; "an awkward prose style"; "a clumsy apology"; "his cumbersome writing style"; "if the rumor is true, can anything be more inept than to repeat it now?"

See also: awkward clumsy inapt inept ill-chosen