Fuss in a sentence as a noun

So uh, not to cause a fuss but why was the title edited?

No fuss, no body strip checks, no taking off pieces of clothing.

Look at the fuss when Linus went on a rant about Nvidia.

Palmer Luckey clearly wants this money with the minimum of fuss.

You can create as many APKs as you want, send them to whoever you want without any fuss and they can test them out.

Fuss in a sentence as a verb

They know that by causing a fuss the lookie loos will show up and say "oh my, a controversy, lets split the difference!

Not a single person making a fuss about a "non-standard" boarding pass is something I wouldn't have guessed at all.

They know most of them will just leave and won't make a public fuss, because they want to be 'employable' and not be known as a 'troublemaker'.

If you are making twice as much as me because I am a better negotiator, you may continue without a fuss for years if you never find out.

With a little schooling you can get into various Finance, Scientific or Engineering disciplines without too much fuss.

Fuss definitions


an excited state of agitation; "he was in a dither"; "there was a terrible flap about the theft"

See also: dither pother tizzy flap


an angry disturbance; "he didn't want to make a fuss"; "they had labor trouble"; "a spot of bother"

See also: trouble bother hassle


a quarrel about petty points

See also: bicker bickering spat tiff squabble pettifoggery


a rapid active commotion

See also: bustle hustle flurry stir


worry unnecessarily or excessively; "don't fuss too much over the grandchildren--they are quite big now"

See also: niggle fret


care for like a mother; "She fusses over her husband"

See also: mother overprotect