Frond in a sentence as a noun

I recommend Vue as the default for frond end.

I like it. Other than bootstrap for frond end, what did you use for backend etc ?

Or some random citizen that can debate with their mayor in frond of a small crowd.

They come to the stand ups all grizzled looking and swaying like an exhausted frond of seaweed.

I’ve come across few papers that cover frond-end development.

You've made it incredibly easy for frond-end devs and designers to build awesome shops and to that I thank you.

"remember not to talk too fast"This is so true, how many time I found myself speaking nearly two times faster in frond of peoples.

I’d encourage you to leverage your frond end expertise and approach the ML research from product angle.

"strong backend programming skills" for a Frontend job?Sure, having your frond-end developer know a bit of backend is a must.

I can do frond-end and back-end development, although I think I'm better at back-end development.

CJS is unsuitable on the frond end because it's synchronous and does not enable static analysis.

Airbnb provides the infrastructure, withholding much more information than a typical hotel frond desk.

We are looking for a web developer that can work on both frond end backend of the customer dashboard that controls the app as well as the API and backend for the app.

One where I will primarily contribute as a frond end developer, but can also draw from my strong design background to help craft exceptional user experiences.

I am good in user experience / usability, frond end design, business development, strategy, monetization.

Frond definitions


compound leaf of a fern or palm or cycad