Synchronous in a sentence as an adjective

The key is the group aspect and being asynchronous.

The issue with Coursera is the synchronous model.

This is almost certainly different to the way in which I would have written synchronous code.

When you say "unlimited use 1GB synchronous connection" and that's not what you're selling?

We have two basic kinds of memcpy functions--synchronous and asynchronous.

It provided no benefit whatsoever in terms of speed; in fact, it was just a more verbose way to write a standard synchronous memcpy.

It depends on a reliable and synchronous transport that delivers messages in-order.

Adult life is messy and complicated-- sick parents become more common, job demands fluctuate-- and synchronous education is just brittle.

Since MemSQL implements group commit on high parallel load throuput picks up. Sure, writing your own very specific benchmark you can show us writing poorly, but we've never worked with a customer that's needed single threaded, synchronous writes to shine.

And these promises don't solve the main problem, which is that synchronous functions return the result, until at some point you add some IO, so now it takes a callback. And everything that calls it now has to take a callback. And hours later all you've done is add a network call in some basic function but your diff looks like a total re-write.

It's innovative in terms of an app that perfectly integrates synchronous and asynchronous communication at that same time.

The messaging landscape is increasingly asynchronous, so OTRv3 is a difficult fit for modern messaging protocols.

The article incorrectly implies that the only way to make a synchronous machine is with a permanent magnet, and thus all synchronous machines have temperature issues.

Asynchronous requires some additional parameter validation because the GPU has to be able to DMA that particular piece of memory, etc.

Advertise that you are actually selling a "restricted 1GBit synchronous connection with limits on what ports you may listen on, limits on upstream use, limits on what applications you may use on the network", etc.

You'll decide to restore sanity by replicating the data into a client-side store with low latency and high reliability, so you can go back to a synchronous UI that your developers can reason about.

After we had been shipping this for a release or two, we noticed that our parameter checking for the asynchronous call was missing one very particular corner case and would silently fall back to synchronous copies instead of returning an error.

Synchronous definitions


occurring or existing at the same time or having the same period or phase; "recovery was synchronous with therapy"- Jour.A.M.A.; "a synchronous set of clocks"; "the synchronous action of a bird's wings in flight"; "synchronous oscillations"

See also: synchronal synchronic


(digital communication) pertaining to a transmission technique that requires a common clock signal (a timing reference) between the communicating devices in order to coordinate their transmissions