Filial in a sentence as an adjective

And yes, filial piety is a big part of that.

Have you encountered the term "filial piety" yet?

The academic term for this is "filial piety".

Most Asian cultures hold filial piety as one of their highest values.

To take the example of filial imprinting, the brain must have some hardcoded notion of what a parent looks like.

Could it have something to do with Confucian cultures and a great deal of pressure to fulfill one's filial piety?Precisely.

Let me summarize my feelings toward Asian values: **** filial piety.

What happened to the sense of duty that comes from filial piety and love?Economics has no business inside a household.

Could this have something to do with the high ******* rate?Another musing,Could it have something to do with Confucian cultures and a great deal of pressure to fulfill one's filial piety?

"Westerners also have problems understanding Eastern concepts like Tao, Buddhism's Nirvana, Confucius' filial piety even when they know the words for them."Exactly.

At the same time he remarks that it is impossible to measure "filial or maternal love", or to "gauge the heat of lovers' passions", or to register "those acts of kindness whose authors wished to remain anonymous.

Most of what it valued culturally had come from the Chinese landmass: wet rice cultivation, the written script, concepts of Confucian hierarchy and filial piety, and techniques in the use of both bronze and iron.

My hope is that through entrepreneurship I can make enough to eventually pay back the filial debt I owe--a debt which is worsened by the isolationist lifestyle I pursued as a haven during my college and post-college years.

Filial definitions


designating the generation or the sequence of generations following the parental generation


relating to or characteristic of or befitting an offspring; "filial respect"