Piety in a sentence as a noun

And yes, filial piety is a big part of that.

Have you encountered the term "filial piety" yet?

You actually couldn't care either way, the feigned piety is yours, not mine.

Most Asian cultures hold filial piety as one of their highest values.

Perhaps you are only sick of the burden of your own unexamined piety and belief the universe must obey your whims.

Let me summarize my feelings toward Asian values: **** filial piety.

I find the argument inappropriately personal -- focusing as it does on the virtue and piety of the person.

The monarchy justifies its rule by showering the religious leadership with money and hiding their excesses with a veil of piety.

Seriously, it's such a common way of saying "i have read about what you say and wish you well" that you have to be particularly cynical to read it as a show of piety.

The collective favors false values like patriotism, piety and loyalty over actual moral values. It's greedy.

It's the "dark side" of Scandinavian culture that remnants of protestant piety have successfully dominated our attitudes to ***** and alcohol in a very damaging way, where, while on one hand "everyone" acknowledges drug abuse as an illness that people needs help to combat, there is still very much an air of judgement over attitudes to junkies that makes it very hard to get support for reform of drug laws.

Piety definitions


righteousness by virtue of being pious

See also: piousness