Fastener in a sentence as a noun

So are you saying that most people would think its nuts to spend so much on a fastener?

And it could be days worth of reading, just so you know exactly which fastener to use.

As posted elsewhere it is a plastic snap fastener.

You know steel rod in one side of various diameters and fasteners out the other.

Doesn't seem to have a consistent one, clasp fastener or separable fastener are earlier generic terms.

Things take lots of fasteners, and they are essential to manufacturing, but making them requires specific tooling for each kind.

So I totally resonate with this, but I ask this question:"What would it take to create a factory that could make an arbitrary fastener in 3 hours?

I get what you are saying, but I got to tour a fastener fabrication and coating facility last year and they in fact do check every one!

The only real difference is that this light is uses a "secure" torx fastener on the assumption that a would-be thief doesn't have one. They are certainly not a "special screwdriver", being obtainable from any good hardware place.

In cases where one must screw a steel fastener into a threaded aluminum piece, a helical insert is usually prescribed.

Could you just have a tray full of random fasteners come out of the anodizing tank and have a robot sort them into types?Very interesting times coming up.

Like, if I wanted to break into the fast paced world of industrial fastener sales would prospective employers be worried about my undergraduate degree?

Such that any fastener in the catalog can be produced in quantities from 1000 to 1,000,000 with a process where manufacturing costs are fixed across the volume window?If not, why not?

There is a huge risk if you somehow get that Home Depot fastener mixed up with the special aerospace fastener you are using, the extra cost is worth it as insurance that "bad" fasteners aren't getting into the product.

I never knew how badly I wanted a store like this around, there've been so many times I'm mid-project or rebuild and the old bolt/nut/fastener/whatever either breaks/gets lost/shot and I just have to wait for the part to come in or wade through the bins at a hardware store which have been waded through by everyone else and now I'm frustrated...

Fastener definitions


a person who fastens or makes fast; "he found the door fastened and wondered who the fastener was"


restraint that attaches to something or holds something in place

See also: fastening holdfast fixing