Aerospace in a sentence as a noun

95% of what I read about aviation/aerospace here makes me cringe.

I have engineering friends, some of whom work in aerospace companies.

In the aerospace business there is a guy known as the Mass Properties Engineer who gets to rule the project with an iron fist.

Ask me how it feels to be so famous!The little press that they do get within the ossified aerospace industry has been terrible.

Carmack has a side gig running an aerospace company which includes coding all the control systems and telemetry.

There's stuff in cable, stuff in wireless, stuff in phone, co-founder of a company that repairs aerospace components, PBS director, and a bunch of other things.

Try to find the "O'Reilly Press" of aerospace engineering pumping out 100 books a year on every imaginable topic - it just isn't happening.

But when I was in engineering school, as an aerospace major, every course began with: these are the theoretical limits in this particular area--all you can do is approach them more closely.

Furthermore, the floor on Orbital's costs is the same trifecta that's always been around in aerospace: expendability, costs of disparate components, and integration costs.

That's a characteristic of peoples' emotional makeup that policymakers have to deal with, just as aerospace engineers have to deal with gravity or friction or other things that can be inconvenient.

You don't see non-technical hospital managers going around telling doctors where to place an incision and you don't see non-technical aerospace management telling engineers what bolt to use in a rocket engine.

Yes, there is a fuel and performance penalty for going this route, but the savvy armchair aerospace critic will note that those penalties are expressed in tens of dollars per pound, whereas 100% disposal is measured in thousands to tens of thousands of dollars per pound.

As previously, I've recommended that people who write safety critical software, where people will die if it malfunctions, might spend a few dollars to hire an aerospace engineer to review their design and coach their engineers on how to do fail safe systems properly.

Aerospace definitions


the atmosphere and outer space considered as a whole