Farting in a sentence as a noun

Like the time lost in the shunting yard farting around with the cars.

Yeah, but I don't go around farting/burping in peoples faces.

" have the importance of a fish farting in the ocean.

Movies with stories, that made you care about whose *** it was and why it was farting.

Until you can solve that, everything else is just farting into the wind.

The science behind the funny and the awkwardness of farting or belching.

Similar to the bits further down about a setting child on fire and farting in public.

What they're doing isn't like running a red light because they're in a hurry, its more like farting on an elevator.

You are actually hurting startup founders by farting out this HN-optimized fluff of platitudes and having your co-founder vote it up. Please stop it.

Or are you just having a great time farting around being useless and causing damage?I almost wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment.

Sure, you don't have to follow instructions, but if you don't, you will have problems, no matter what excuse you have about 'testing something'.If Broder can't remember what happened, farting around for details, he should have been a professional and videotaped at intervals so he could check the facts.

It's newsworthy because it's such a huge budget, because it's been neutered, because fusion energy research is pathetically funded, and because NIF is like a mean old dog lying in front of the fireplace, farting from time to time - it creams the resources and makes alternatives unappealing.

But git + GitHub has been relentlessly hyped as an Oatmeal-ish fantasy of unicorns farting rainbows onto a field of lollipops, so that's how people actually end up using it, and so it's valid to mention that it's a more complex workflow for contributors since it is a very common case and becoming more common.

If you start sending a text message while I'm talking to you, that's extremely rude and unless you preface the act with "excuse me, I just realized I left my child at home next to an open flame and I need to make sure the nanny put him out" then I'm going to treat you as if you just perpetrated some combination of farting and shouting a racial slur.

Farting definitions


a reflex that expels intestinal gas through the anus

See also: fart flatus wind