Fart in a sentence as a noun

Throw in fart jokes too for good measure.

Others will go off into the weeds of fart apps.

Don't build someone's fart app for 5% equity.

It's trivial in the sense that a fart app for the iPhone is trivial.

Around friends, we tell all the fart jokes we like, and nobody gets offended.

I'm 54, so I suppose I'm one of the people you have never met but still choose to label as an "old fart.

But I genuinely hope, they rethink the brain-fart idea to not sell it if they don't meet the funding goal.

Fart in a sentence as a verb

Right, because nobody ever made fart apps and other tacky **** in objective c.

I'm surprised the leading providers of mobile fart noise applications would be so immature.

"I think that 2013 will see the beginning of a Flight to Substance, and if I'm right, that will put that talent to better use than fart apps and toilet check-in services.

ITunes cards are a hugely popular gift for children / teenagers / college kids, quickly exchanged for fart apps and in app smurfberries.

I fully wish this were the case!The place I want to work is the place where people are people, not separately "men" and "women": and people like fart jokes, dick jokes, cramping jokes, faking-it jokes, what have you.

Thank you, Apple, for protecting me from a news aggregation/notification and mapping app like this one. I'll stick to my fart sound boards and purchasing currency for manipulative "games" with zero actual entertainment value any day!

Fart definitions


a reflex that expels intestinal gas through the anus

See also: farting flatus wind


expel intestinal gases through the anus