Facile in a sentence as an adjective

It's endearing, but I've always found that a bit facile.

It's a heavy handed, hateful, and facile way to view the world once put under a lens.

I don't mean to be facile, but looks to me like the only reason they're coming for the money is because they can.

This is a facile take on the economics of technology.

And of course once they became facile readers it took them to places and introduced them to people they would never have met in their day to day lives.

Dismissing any conclusions reached as, "well nobody can really say" is facile and lazy.

Another facile "ooh, different language/cultures are so very different" story, coating a nugget of truth in a thick layer of ********.

Every time you say people are just fawning over celebrities you contribute to the problem by helping develop widespread facile cynicism.

Write some nominal piece of code whose stated purpose is to prevent the thing you want to prohibit, even if it's facile and trivially bypassed, and now bypassing it is apparently back to being a federal crime again.

"If you have a problem with it, stand for election" is facile: First past the post electoral district representative governments are almost designed to eliminate single issue candidates from ever having any electoral power.

"Too often I've seen functional proponents, when asked why we ought to use functional languages, rely on facile arguments such as "it makes your code more concise, therefore easier to hold in your head" or "it makes your code more mathematical, and therefore easier to reason about".

Facile definitions


arrived at without due care or effort; lacking depth; "too facile a solution for so complex a problem"


performing adroitly and without effort; "a facile hand"


expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively; "able to dazzle with his facile tongue"; "silver speech"

See also: eloquent fluent silver silver-tongued smooth-spoken