Fawning in a sentence as an adjective

If Metro were made by Apple or Google, people here would fawning all over.

Given all this over-the-top fawning from Graham, Thiel, etc, one thing comes to mind: "Where's the beef?

Do you want a bunch of ego-validating fawning?"WOW!!!

What's your estimate on the mean number of Facebook groups created by fawning fangirls they each have?

The conversation was also full of obsequious fawning BS like, "Wow, I've never seen one go for this low before!

I don't mean that as a fawning compliment; I mean that as a description of his personality: for better and for worse.

They couldn't find one slightly pejorative anecdote to contrast with the endless amount of fawning?

There's loads of amazing technology but nobody's really fawning over it.

Listing accomplishments paired with fawning and idolatry is cultish.

While the untimely death Aaron is tragic, the constant fawning over celebrities on Hacker News is frequently depressing.

The Cumberbatch AMA was very disappointing, because all upvoted questions were just fawning compliments from Cumberbatch fans.

Every time you say people are just fawning over celebrities you contribute to the problem by helping develop widespread facile cynicism.

The support email included disturbingly fawning about Ms. Rice and how amazing she was, and insisted that the Dropbox ToS made it flat-out impossible for them to issue any refunds.

If they look like contemporary business and governmental organizations, the captain will be a narcissist/psychopath and his immediate subordinates fawning codependents.

Fawning definitions


attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery

See also: bootlicking obsequious sycophantic toadyish


attempting to win favor by flattery

See also: bootlicking sycophantic toadyish