Expressed in a sentence as an adjective

Or expressed surprise that the Vogue Spring edition is the one where they show off new styles, which is why it's so thick and has so few ads. Or the difference between hair paste and hair gel.

I expressed amazement that so few seemed to care. He told me that big ideas could take a surprisingly long time to become part of real life, something he'd seen again and again.

I was honestly dumbstruck by the naiveté expressed as soon as the action starts." She turned to me and abruptly said that I was not needed as a witness and should leave immediately.

I'm sorry, but the ignorance expressed in this thread by some is absolutely astounding. Per mile, truckers drive far more safely than the typical driver.

Gabe himself has expressed quite a bit of dismay over Microsoft's recent decisions. I expect them to use everything in their power to make Linux become a mainstream thing.

It is that he expressed it in a horrendously, gratuitously crass and offensive way. Here is a transliteration into humane language of what he said: "My heart goes out to Steve Jobs' family in their time of grief.

I see a lot of libertarian and anti-government sentiments expressed on HN. People like to construct arguments like "more government vs. less", "higher taxes vs.

Visible at the time when people have actually expressed interest in a topic/product, because they search for it. Note: google display network advertising is equally useless/fraudulent.

I can never forget that chapter and how well Feynman expressed his burnout. It's hard to imagine that even charming roguish nobel prizewinning physicists who play the bongos can feel useless sometimes.

The view you have expressed here demonstrates that you have literally no idea what you are talking about. It is not a "lottery" when the TSA and their goons are profiling people based on race, religion, income, and a host of other criteria.

The headline might as well be a more Onionesque "After gaining power, politician turns out not to actually hold the strongly principled views he expressed while campaigning". I'd be surprised if Obama holds any of the views he expressed during his campaign.

However, when you copy/use facts, you wade into hot water if you also copy the structure and the way those facts were originally expressed. The original TNW article shown here seems to step over that line with a barely masked copy of the original paragraphs.

The code for that state machine is incontrovertibly clearer and better expressed in NSS. * NSS has had better battle-testing as a clientside browser TLS library than OpenSSL, which, apart from Android Chrome, isn't a big factor in TLS clientsides. I don't know that anybody loves NSS, but my perception is that more people believe OpenSSL to be hopeless than believe NSS to be.

But you've expressed an interest in dating someone whose religion denies equal rights to gay people. Sure, this person may seem OK, and may even have their own opinions, but the leaders of their religion spread hatred, and it pains us to send even a single quantum of relationship happiness towards people who still affiliate with that religion.

"[Obama] repeatedly expressed concerns that any American acknowledgment that it was using cyberweaponseven under the most careful and limited circumstancescould enable other countries, terrorists or hackers to justify their own attacks. We discussed the irony, more than once, one of his aides said."

Again, I'm not necessarily advocating for this, because the Erlang advocates will be right, you just can't quite get it fully expressed in Go and that saddens me, it's just what's going to happen, I think. In fact I'm doing it myself; the Erlang core of my system is getting pulled out and replaced by Go for a variety of reasons, and one is despite the fact my team is fairly adventurous over all, we're still better off finding people to work on Go than Erlang.

Almost the entire piece does nothing but cite facts, such as: the dropping of the nuclear bombs does not figure significantly in historical records of the Japanese leadership's discussion about surrender; the Japanese war council decided on August 8 not even to discuss the Hiroshima bombing; damage to Hiroshima and Nagasaki was not out of scale with the earlier fire-bombings of other cities; Japanese leaders had expressed a willingness to sacrifice their cities if necessary; Japan's war strategy was predicated on the Soviets staying neutral; and so on. Are these wrong?

Expressed definitions


communicated in words; "frequently uttered sentiments"

See also: uttered verbalized verbalised


precisely and clearly expressed or readily observable; leaving nothing to implication; "explicit instructions"; "she made her wishes explicit"; "explicit sexual scenes"

See also: explicit