Excreta in a sentence as a noun

We can all be "good" in math, science, reading excreta...

Could connect a sensor to some kind of excreta to get a blood sugar level?

How does a disease that only attacks the brain wind up in the feces or other excreta?

And the problem is people who promote that cynically packaged excreta on sites like HN.

Hehe, it wasn't that bad. But now I live in San Francisco, and if not visually drowning, it sure smells like human and dog excreta everywhere!

I have a lo-flow toilet that usually clears the bowl on a flush but doesn't always clean the sides of the pan if excreta misses the water.

The safe reduction of human excreta into compost is possible.

Civilization is the distance man has placed between himself and his excreta --Brian Aldiss

A kilogram of flour probably has 15g of animal product in it, from rodent excreta to weevils to cockroach legs.

>>Before municipal sewer systems, excreta piled up in the privies of people’s homes—essentially a deep hole in the ground...

After reading this topic "India is drowning in its own excreta" on this site, I don't think I would live in India anytime soon.

Indians die by millions on the wayside consumed by hunger, disease and violence - and the well to do 20% looks down from their glass houses built on excreta.

Social media is just excreta of human activity on the internet.

For me, breach of privacy would be something like my phone number being sold to telemarketers who make cold calls for bovine excreta, or gmail showing ads based on email content.

I could be totally wrong, but I’m guessing that they’re coming from a “stewing in a brew of other people’s excreta and skin flakes, dirt and sebum,” rather than a modesty angle.

Toxoplasma gondii can infect humans as well* if they have sufficient contact with cat excreta, and lead to a similar disregard for dangerous situations.

I mean, in that case you could also assume it's the excreta of some sort of high energy projectile that is currently aligned to collide with Earth, but that doesn't buy us much more than unfounded dread.

"poultry litter or broiler litter is a mixture of poultry excreta, spilled feed, feathers, and material used as bedding in poultry operations ... it is now also used as a livestock feed as a cost-saving measure compared with other feedstock materials, particularly for beef animals.

Excreta definitions


waste matter (as urine or sweat but especially feces) discharged from the body

See also: excretion excrement