Excoriation in a sentence as a noun

Yes, this is an excoriation of the smug left, but the smug left and this article only exists if we live in our own bubbles.

I was expecting this to be an excoriation of Peterson rather than a rather even-handed overview of his principles.

Then he was one of the earliest opponents of recycling plastics, and he received nearly universal excoriation, including from my own family.

Next would come an excoriation of taxes, business regulations, and sometimes, with a fervor that suggested firsthand experience in divorce court, lawyers.

The second point is one best made, to my mind, by Theodor Adorno, whose excoriation of boredom is part of a larger, wholesale critique of modern capitalist society.

Your second link doesn't indicate any internet-derived excoriation, but instead shows an artist being taken through the legal system by AP, along with the artist obstructing the judicial process.

> while simultaneously excoriating those same companies over privacy violationsHas there been excoriation over this?

It's very similar to the excoriation of public employees unions who negotiate solid living wages for their members - it makes too much of a contrast for many who are on basically a subsidence living in the private industry

So here's another question - Would Perl6 adoption in the enterprise be enhanced by compiling it to bytecode and running it on the JVM?As an aside, my original note admitted that it was at least partially developer practices that led to the excoriation of Perl - that doesn't change the fact that it is no longer acceptable for application development at my workplace.

Excoriation definitions


an abraded area where the skin is torn or worn off

See also: abrasion scratch scrape


severe censure