Eunuch in a sentence as a noun

Choose your poison, or live as a eunuch monk.

Well let's be sure and spin this in a way that doesn't make us look like complete eunuch clownshoes.

Studies[0] do support that eunuchs live longer than average men.

It may be that a decent prosecutor could get a petit jury to convict a eunuch of rape.

"If I may reappropriate a line from Hopkins, "hackers build--but not I build, no, but strain, times eunuch, and not breed one work that wakes.

The rich and powerful males kept all their local women in a harem and forced all the other competing males to become eunuchs.

You have also a study of the eunuchs of China's Emperor were living way longer than the men having the same lifestyle in the Forbidden City.

How many eunuchs deal with starvation, unemployment, or homelessness?

What is this list of stuff, I really believe their are the two natural cases[^], with bi-gender, eunuch, and trans-gender being the only other possibilities.

Are you talking about Tim Pope, whose work includes vim-foreplay, vim-scriptease, vim-eunuch, vim-speeddating, and hookup?

Their openness would \nprobably be career ******* in the atmosphere of Byzantine court-eunuch \nintrigue that is public life in the United States today.

It’s worth mentioning that the roast included comparisons of Amir to being a eunuch multiple times among other questionable insults because of his past tiktok videos.

Eunuch definitions


a man who has been castrated and is incapable of reproduction; "eunuchs guarded the harem"

See also: castrate