Etiology in a sentence as a noun

If you wanted to say that my stress level was a factor in the etiology of the infection, I'd be the first to agree.

The thinking here is that while we do not understand the etiology of depression, we can at minimum begin to use blunt tools to solve problems.

The fact that we can further subdivide something based on etiology or any other criteria doesn't mean that it does not exist.

And a single etiology or difference can create many divergent ones [edit for clarity: symptoms].It wasn't cast out because everyone was suffering from it.

Although several causes exist, food-cobalamin malabsorption is now believed to be the most common etiology.

"Everything happens for a reason" is about teleology, not etiology.

There are numerous hypotheses regarding the etiology and pathology of ASD, including a suggested role for immune dysfunction.

I suspect the etiology is quite simple - if somebody is behaving like an *** and getting away with it, it must be because they are powerful, otherwise somebody else would stop them.

The long-held serotonin hypothesis has proven to be completely baseless and there is no good evidence that depression has a neurochemical etiology.

The autoimmune hypothesis is yet another autism hypothesis that is advanced primarily by parents, because it offers more hope than a neurological etiology.

"The autoimmune hypothesis is yet another autism hypothesis that is advanced primarily by parents, because it offers more hope than a neurological etiology.

Then you get into a huge amount of uncertainty that we still have over the etiology of any of these conditions, plus political battles over what counts as normal in the first place, the long fight over whether homosexuality should be included being probably the most famous example.

My point was the more limited one that showing "when I poke at the hardware the observed behavior changes" isn't particularly surprising, or on its own evidence of a uniquely "hardware" etiology for the behavior, since any behavior can be modulated by poking at the hardware, if you figure out exactly how to poke.

Etiology definitions


the cause of a disease

See also: aetiology


the philosophical study of causation

See also: aetiology