Autoimmune in a sentence as an adjective

Would this then be the first digital autoimmune disease?

My partner got some kind of autoimmune disease which meant I needed good health insurance and a steady income.

I recently adopted a cat with an autoimmune problem and I ended up researching pet health issues.

If they've been vaccinated recently, there's a chance they'll blame it on the vaccine, but that does not mean the vaccine caused their autoimmune disorder.

The question is, why?I can't help but believe ALS is an autoimmune disease that is caused by the combination of genes and an environmental trigger.

If so, are we really prepared to attack, say, stomach cancer by inducing an autoimmune response that might also attack the stomach itself?

Do you have any basis for saying the autoimmune hypothesis is "advanced primarily by parents?

Studies also showed that baby mice kept in sterile environments were more likely to face autoimmune disease, seeming to back what came to be called the 'hygiene hypothesis.

FYI, the dominant theory is that ulcerative colitis is an autoimmune disease, and the inflammation in the colon has nothing to do with what is eaten.

Several doctors and hospitals later, I was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease in which the nerves that branch from the neck and power the arms are bulldozed by the immune system.

Researchers proposed that the more microbial agents that children are exposed to early in life, the less likely they are to develop allergies and autoimmune diseases later on.

This is similar to the phenomenon where children who grow up desperately poor and literally living in dirt have a markedly lower rate of autoimmune diseases than first world kids.

There is a lot of data suggesting that the lack of intestinal worms in western countries is one of the reason for the rise of autoimmune diseases like Crohns. The theory is that the immune system in the gut is designed up to keep worms under control and in their absence starts attacking things like the gut tissue instead.

The basis for my comment on the autoimmune is relatively poorly documented, because by definition it happened outside of academic literature.

The autoimmune hypothesis is yet another autism hypothesis that is advanced primarily by parents, because it offers more hope than a neurological etiology.

Autoimmune definitions


of or relating to the immune response of the body against substance normally present in the body