Enclosure in a sentence as a noun

Just push the "generate enclosure" button in the circuit details page.

There are lots of use cases where the user couldn't give a **** about a nice and polished enclosure. You are paying dearly for design you don't need.

Mine are noise-canceling as well but most of the benefit comes from the enclosure. 3.

Ads of multicolored devices featuring content that matches the enclosure? Who would've thunk it?

This is a great post with so many neat hacks along the way--when she started talking about modeling and 3D printing the enclosure I was thinking "Wow, this is a true renaissance hacker." The world needs more blog posts like this.

It's looks great, has a nice enclosure and is something any hobbiest could get working with the right plug and play bits. But. Packaging this for mainstream, where a user can simply buy "black boxes" and connect them up is tough.

By doing that, they broke the sanitized enclosure, and there may be contaminants present that survived the trip. They are supposedly avoiding signs of life with Curiosity.

A portly lady squeezed into a too-tight uniform, tucked inside a glass livestock enclosure; she motioned wordlessly to a chair. I ventured that I had a reference number.

On the other hand, we probably wouldn't say someone made a phone if they just put it into a different enclosure. I can say that I spent a lot of time selecting all the components, putting together the schematic, routing the board, and writing the UI software.

If there isn't enough gas pressure inside the disk enclosure, this method of locating the heads won't work. Wikipedia actually says: If the air density is too low, then there is not enough lift for the flying head, so the head gets too close to the disk, and there is a risk of head crashes and data loss.

The question of the degree to which enclosure was responsible for the supply of factory workers is one people have debated for a century. The idea that it was was as you can imagine very popular with Marxist historians.

Sourcing components for mass production, government regulatory hurdles, and then that damn enclosure are 90% when everything goes right. I can build all kinds of things with my arduino and all of those awesome little one-off function boards you can snag on ebay from china theses days.

Industrialization proceeded alongside the active dismantling of the feudal property system and the enclosure of formerly common land. A former peasant who became a factory worker may have gone through the intermediate step of being evicted from their land and becoming a vagrant.

– or you can assume the pragmatic – the thermal envelope of the new iMacs is so tight, thanks to the Sandy Bridge chipset, a beefier GPU and an aggressively designed enclosure, that more careful and accurate monitoring of the HDD's internal temperature was necessary for reliability. Why would Apple decide source more expensive and non-standard HDDs just to "lock customers in" or "force a higher BTO price"?

I will paint for him not only the the visible universe, but all that he can conceive of nature’s immensity in the enclosure of this diminished atom. Let him therein see an infinity of universes of which each has its firmament, its planets, its earth, in the same proportion as in the visible world; in each earth animals, and at the last the mites, in which he will come upon all that was in the first, and still find in these others the same without end and without cessation; let him lose himself in wonders as astonishing in their minuteness as the others in their immensity; for who will not be amazed at seeing that our body, which before was imperceptible in the universe, itself imperceptible in the bosom of the whole, is now a colossus, a world, a whole, in regard to the nothingness to which we cannot attain."

Enclosure definitions


a structure consisting of an area that has been enclosed for some purpose


the act of enclosing something inside something else

See also: enclosing envelopment inclosure


a naturally enclosed space


something (usually a supporting document) that is enclosed in an envelope with a covering letter

See also: inclosure