Enclosing in a sentence as a noun

Recur can go to the top of the function, or an enclosing loop block inside the function. To do mutual recursion in Clojure, you use a trampoline.

When you can't find enough wage laborers to man your factories, just pass laws enclosing the commons and kicking peasants off their land! Or create a new tax or rent that can only be paid in money and **** those who disobey.

I've often wondered if they could get rid of this entirely in rails by enclosing it in conditional comments, so that it is only included in forms sent by older IE: --[if lt IE 8]> name="utf8" type="hidden" value="✓" />

It would make no difference if the language had lexical or dynamic scope, because there are no variables present here that would need to reach outside of their enclosing function in order to perform variable lookup. Lexical vs.

You could read it the other way I suppose, but only if you thought it was a separate statement meant to stand apart from the rest of the paragraph that is enclosing it, which wouldn't make much sense.

Operator, how is the implicit toggle scoped--at the procedure or the nearest enclosing block? How do prototypes influence context, and how do contexts influence evaluation?

You could get around this problem with spaghetti stacks or something, but you'd need to find a way to free the activation records that are floating around after their enclosing scopes have expired -- enter garbage collection which you do NOT want to require for C++. That's the problem with Lisp, it's almost all-or-nothing.

The goal was to get the President of the respective business unit soaked, and elaborate measures were taken to prevent it, even enclosing Ed Zander in a plexiglass container. Sun t-shirts were distributed to either side and employees showed up in shorts and eye protection.

Other block structured languages allowed for name shadowing within a block, but with modules, one has access to shadowed names in enclosing blocks. At the implementation level, you can think of per-Module block structured languages as having a stack of hash-tables for environment/symbol-table.

We live in a world full of URL parsers of various abilities, and doggedly enclosing URLs in angle brackets because of a memo written so long ago it also references gopher seems stubborn to no obvious gain. Given the state of the modern internet, I definitely wouldn't consider angle brackets to be the best way to delimit URLs.

Example 6: VS highlights end tags automatically without you even having to press anything, there's probably a command to select the enclosing block but I've never looked as it happens so quickly I don't think it's worth the time, here I just End, shift-upArrow a few times or go to the mouse. Deleting a whole block of code generally requires some thought about what it was doing, you're not in edit mode at the point of deletion.

Even if you assume she did everything in the most damning interpretation of all accounts, she is guilty of enclosing toilet bowl cleaner and bits of aluminum foil in a small plastic bottle and observing that the slowly released gases cause the bottle to rupture.

He mentions that at the end of the article: > Some practical Matters --- Using large comment blocks inside the major function to delimit the minor functions is a good idea for quick scanning, and often enclosing it in a bare braced section to scope the local variables and allow editor collapsing of the section is useful. I know there are some rules of thumb about not making functions larger than a page or two, but I specifically disagree with that now -- if a lot of operations are supposed to happen in a sequential fashion, their code should follow sequentially.

Quote Examples using Enclosing

They share their enclosing functions scope. They share their enclosing functions notion of this. You cant return from a block, if you execute a return form a block, you return from the surrounding function. Blocks already exist in JavaScript, but at the moment they only exist for built-in keyword construct like if and for." Yahuda is simply explaining why it would be valuable to create a way to pass blocks to functions. The blocks would continue to be associated with their enclosing function invocation, unlike passing a function.


Enclosing definitions


the act of enclosing something inside something else

See also: enclosure envelopment inclosure