Element in a sentence as a noun

There are some other elements that use sound APIs too.

I'm thankful to CL for not building gratuitous UI, or half assed "social" element, or "tweet this post to your social graph".

These simulations run inside an Eulerian grid, where each cell contains a fluid element.

For the process the data needed to look at any single element in the data and find elements similar to it.

It does help if the image is anti-aliased, but not if the structure of your element is close to the sample size of your image.

Caylus was wildly popular for a year or two, but it's rare to see people play it now. Ironically, the game designer was too good at removing the element of luck for the game to be popular.

I wonder if there is an element of that -- rejecting the places we grew up and deciding the opposite environment is better for it.

GStreamer is for making graphs of elements, where elements are decoders, encoders, effects, filters, etc. and can be both audio and video.

The problem is not using "everyday computing" as a descriptive element in the marketing copy.

It is one of those elements that when it came time to put the money on the table I made the decision I would have probably "preached" against in a group of peers.

Or, on the positive side, maybe it means taking funds on less than ideal terms but from an investor who will add large value to the venture apart from the cash element.

With its "forced conversion" element, it not only combined the elements of debt and equity but did so with equity being the main focus of the investor.

RSA signature verification is a little like RSA encryption "inverted", and the element being encrypted is a hash of the content being signed.

Breaking into someone's home has a certain personal-threat aspect to it, and I'd consider homes to have a bit of a sacrosanct element that I wouldn't extend to state offices.

That may be a fair tradeoff in the end, but I would be nervous about building a large-scale app that relied on diffing performance for every data-bound element fitting in rAF's 16ms window.

It's like because there's an artistic element this or it's pure-web tech the appreciation of a cool hack and interesting exploration of a technology is completely gone.

Typical Adobe rot is setting in; the last version had a catastrophic bug causing the xml manifest to simply not be read during the build process, because a critical "for" loop was referencing the child element of a nonexistent variable.

I think the element you are missing is that the Greek government spending is very inefficient; they're not investing in some kind of economy-growing infrastructure revolution, they're spending money on totally unreasonable union contracts and extraordinarily early retirement for large classes of pensioners.

Element definitions


an abstract part of something; "jealousy was a component of his character"; "two constituents of a musical composition are melody and harmony"; "the grammatical elements of a sentence"; "a key factor in her success"; "humor: an effective ingredient of a speech"

See also: component constituent factor ingredient


an artifact that is one of the individual parts of which a composite entity is made up; especially a part that can be separated from or attached to a system; "spare components for cars"; "a component or constituent element of a system"

See also: component constituent


any of the more than 100 known substances (of which 92 occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination constitute all matter


the most favorable environment for a plant or animal; "water is the element of fishes"


one of four substances thought in ancient and medieval cosmology to constitute the physical universe; "the alchemists believed that there were four elements"


the situation in which you are happiest and most effective; "in your element"


a straight line that generates a cylinder or cone