Gratuitous in a sentence as an adjective

I'm thankful to CL for not building gratuitous UI, or half assed "social" element, or "tweet this post to your social graph".

The most common way it accomplishes this is through gratuitous use of implicit type conversions.

I believe the AirBNB founders brought their ObamaO's."I would not recommend gratuitous weirdness actually.

What that tells us is that every bit of secrecy around those documents was gratuitous and so were the secret programs themselves.

I don't have a problem with editors fixing titles that are full of gratuitous spin or editorializing.

That the intent punches thru the core of deliberate and on to the uncharted waters of gratuitous disregard does not lessen the intent.

One guideline to keep in mind: > If the original title begins with a number or number + gratuitous > adjective, we'd appreciate it if you'd crop it.

From my perspective, I feel as though I have barely scratched the surface, and already I am caught up in dramatic overexpression and gratuitous use of italics.

Changing titles to remove gratuitous editorial spin is one thing... changing titles just for the sake of changing them is silly and counter-productive.

Also, there's a lot of material there, what are you referring to, exactly?From the guidelines:"You can make up a new title if you want, but if you put gratuitous editorial spin on it, the editors may rewrite it.

There was no real reason to use it except for compatibility with Apple devices, as the two use nearly identical compression methods and the incompatibility is purely gratuitous.

The most successful attempt was OpenID which was fundamentally mis-designed – inexplicably using URLs instead of email addresses – and quickly derailed by the gratuitous complexity crowd.

We got that reputation by doing some concrete things differently than our competitors: we staffed an appropriate number of CSRs, trained them to be nice to customers, did a lot of gratuitous tech support for basic computer problems, and were flexible about resolving billing disputes.

You started off with an interesting addition to the conversation, and I was hoping for a reference regarding the relationship between corporate taxes and the ultra-weathy, but instead I got a gratuitous, tired, over-used, boring, ad-hominem about Republicans that added nothing to conversation.

Gratuitous definitions


without cause; "a gratuitous insult"


costing nothing; "complimentary tickets"; "free admission"

See also: complimentary costless free


unnecessary and unwarranted; "a strikers' tent camp...was burned with needless loss of life"

See also: needless uncalled-for