Egoism in a sentence as a noun

Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism.

They conflate it with egoism, complain about "special snowflakes" etc.

You're interpreting the advice as a call for egoism [0]; selfishness to the point of being unwise.

Instead, due solely to their organizational egoism, the NSA will be shunned and their advice dismissed as suspect.

I think that when people write this, they're actually writing a call for hedonism[1].Hedonism is different from egoism.

Um, in exactly the same way that tourists prefering their interests to be prioritized is also 'egoism', right?

This professor has instead demonstrated his egoism through this email and through his decision to distribute it to the entire class.

Neither can I nor would I want to conceive of an individual who survives his physical death; let feeble souls, from fear or absurd egoism, cherish such thoughts.

But unlike you apparently I also don't assume their behavior is motivated by egoism!

The environment is too competitive and it promotes egoism and punishes altruism.

You might as well say "all egoism boils down to the benefit of the other because personal benefit benefits humanity/the universe at large.

This includes selfishness, egoism, and a lack of sibling-like lifetime relationships.

Yeah egoism/illegalism is fun and all, but until you can get a significant mass to participate, you're actively harming those who may be sympathetic, yet don't want to violate their own country's laws.

Is it not the epitome of egoism?Is it possible to share a house with friends, or a spouse, or your kids, without ever "doing something you don't want to do"?And in professional life, if you are a janitor, do you "want" to clean this toilets again?

This type of fatigue is usually caused by selfishness and excessive thinking about yourselfWhy do you think this is true?You might be totally right, but it would be a more subliminal egoism, like feeling like a victim and being excessively defensive.

Egoism definitions


(ethics) the theory that the pursuit of your own welfare in the basis of morality


concern for your own interests and welfare

See also: egocentrism self-interest self-concern self-centeredness