Egocentrism in a sentence as a noun

>Is it pure egocentrism that keeps high-risk parents from adopting?If it's not, I'd love to know what it is. Aww, downvotes from selfish people.

Benevolence has nothing to do with it; it's just egocentrism.

Here's an amusing attempt to do so using her own format:> "What is the moral code of egocentrism?

What she fails to do is to clarify the extreme egocentrism that she proposes in an equally critical way.

I can't believe the egocentrism so many engineers demonstrate when talking about MBAs.

Tech often gives us an escape from the effortful human experience, with quick hits that appeal to our egocentrism and primal instincts.

These are not primaries, but consequences, which, in fact, egocentrism makes impossible.

I suspect your inability to explain things stems from this narcissism/egocentrism.

How is their existence justified beyond prolonging their consumptive egocentrism a little longer?

Is it pure egocentrism that keeps high-risk parents from adopting?Interestingly enough, adopted children tend to resemble their birth parents much more than adopted parents in the "Big Five" personality traits, and twins raised apart from each other resemble one another to a shocking degree.

The basic principle of egocentrism is that other people have no right to exist other than for your sake, that service to you is the only justification of their existence, and that their sacrifice for your good is their highest moral duty, virtue and value.> Do not confuse egocentrism with self-respect, self-awareness or respect for your rights.

The irreducible primary of egocentrism, the basic absolute, is the total unimportance of the other—which means; not caring one whit about others, using them for your own means, sacrificing their feelings and even their lives if necessary—which means: the other as a standard of evil, the self as a standard of the good.> Do not hide behind such superficialities as whether you should or should not use people.

Egocentrism definitions


concern for your own interests and welfare

See also: egoism self-interest self-concern self-centeredness