Egalitarian in a sentence as a noun

Shenzhen on the other hand is by far the most egalitarian city in China. The city is so young that no one really has an "Uncle" etc.

FYI most Indians in the US like the more egalitarian, US way of lower "power distance" better.

Men in tech are supposed to be evolved, egalitarian, meritocratic, all that. So it stings a lot to have to face the fact that many of them are sexist pricks.

Stop the egalitarian ********. The only thing society should do is ensure everyone has the same rights in regard to the Law no matter how rich, how poor, how different you may be.

Portraying Uber as egalitarian is wrong in so many levels.

Moreover, major search engines are more or less egalitarian wrt. buisnesses.

It doesn't really favor the notion that the startup world is an egalitarian meritocracy.

So thus his formal writing has "hers" and "shes" all over the place, while his true self is channeled through a rap star messenger than no gender egalitarian can successfully attack for fear of being dubbed racist. It is 3D chess after all.

You know, we live in a very egalitarian world. We donit like heroes. And Steve is one of these heroic guys whose accomplishments are of such epic proportions, and it gnaws away at our egalitarian sense of the world."

The hacker ethic is pretty egalitarian; it basically boils down to "If you know your stuff, you can hang with us." Peter Deutsch was 12 when he was messing around in the MIT lab, and no one minded---except the pointy-headed academics, which is typical.

Egalitarian in a sentence as an adjective

Many will disagree, but I believe that in the long term society will evolve to match this more egalitarian structure. The most effective way to cure cancer may be to first cure the social disfunctions that lead to the types of situations described in this article.

They aren't some egalitarian democratic plumb bob making the world better for everyone. They are a national and trans-national transportation monopoly that has deep brand recognition while forcing drivers to play or pray, same schtick as the taxi companies.

The men, the popular feminists seem to be arguing, really understood what life was about the whole time and only through truly egalitarian "feminism by the numbers", where men and women work the same number of hours and for the same salaries and in the same proportions in every industry can women be happy. But, that author argues, is that it's a ruse.

America always pretended to be classless but Britain has gone the same way, preferring the egoistic fantasy of an egalitarian society over the reality of one where power and wealth and privilege are still very much in force. We're trapped in a solipsistic nightmare, where conspiracy theories have replaced an understanding of social power.

Most "flat" organizations aren't egalitarian-- just lazy when it comes to figuring out a structure. Instead, they've traded official organizational hierarchy for unofficial, unstable arrangements that are actually more problematic.

The basic thesis of the article was that work cultures can be structured in such as to produce a more egalitarian environment without compromising on the quality of employees. The question asked is then why a company would want to do so. Again, my proposition is simply that given that assumption, that a more egalitarian environment is a more pleasant workplace, at least for some subset of employees which includes folks like myself.

Kung society was much less sexist before contact than it is now, as the surrounding peoples they are now in contact with are not exactly the most egalitarian. Most archaeologists consider egalitarian social structure to be typical of hunter-gatherer societies, with rigid hierarchical structure being an innovation resulting from settlement.

Smaller countries tend to be more egalitarian than richer ones. Most individual countries in the EU and states in the USA have a lower Gini coefficient than the EU or USA as a whole. Could a similar mechanism cause a larger and more sophisticated economy to feel pressures to become more unequal? Its tricky to simply blame it on USA policies, as most Western countries have also become significantly less egalitarian than they were in 1970.

This is a problem, because it drew attention to them, now there are all sorts of discrimination lawsuits from parents of girls, and the media is bellowing how "less worse" they are, because they accept female teachers, and that when they did not accepted them they were evil, and now that they do they are less evil, but that this would be only a truly good school when they start accepting girls and change some of their authoritarian ways and become more tolerating and egalitarian. Or some issue with bars...

Egalitarian definitions


a person who believes in the equality of all people

See also: equalitarian


favoring social equality; "a classless society"

See also: classless