Antediluvian in a sentence as a noun

And this isn't even close to the most antediluvian nonsense I've gone through on support calls [1].

Because the antediluvian class will take it in stride while the post-IPO gleaners will scream.

I have!But then, I'm in my 30s, so admittedly I'm pretty antediluvian.

Or anything other than simply a flat list of names?At some point it's time to stop making excuses for this antediluvian system.

Any non-antediluvian C compiler worth using will do the same.

But the idea that it's my job to run around policing women's sexuality is just antediluvian.

Contrast is useful, and its proven track record for rendering text is no mark of antediluvian shame, of irrelevance or datedness.

Antediluvian in a sentence as an adjective

Yeah one version really is an antediluvian limitation.

I agree with your distinction, but for a long time I wrongly believed the -ian in Debian was a suffix meaning "relating to" as in reptilian or antediluvian.

" A few thousand ex-Blockbuster employees, and some antediluvian Hollywood execs?

"There were giants in the Earth in those days..."I don't mean to suggest credibility for the antediluvian weirdness in Genesis, or Greek stories about titans for that matter, but this kind of stuff certainly makes you think.

> non-antediluvian C compilerContrary to popular opinion, Noah's C compiler was actually highly advanced, but he only brought one copy on the ark with him.

Agriculture may diminish its labour and double its produce; all diseases may by sure means be prevented or cured, not excepting even that of old age, and our lives lengthened at pleasure even beyond the antediluvian standard.

It's got all of the Plutonian depths, malevolent antediluvian creatures, unfathomable aliens, degenerated humanity, and posthuman body horror of Lovecraft, just not the omnipotent space gods.

Antediluvian definitions


any of the early patriarchs who lived prior to the Noachian deluge


a very old person

See also: ancient


of or relating to the period before the biblical flood; "antediluvian man"

See also: antediluvial


so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period; "a ramshackle antediluvian tenement"; "antediluvian ideas"; "archaic laws"

See also: antiquated archaic