Blowhard in a sentence as a noun

The man perfected his blowhard style more than 10,000 hours before that "it takes one to know one" email.

Jeff Atwood is a blowhard sure, but you're ignoring the history here.

This just smells of a Cisco blowhard touting the wonders of a fully vendor locked network.

The big difference is, Rush does the blowhard thing for ratings and entertainment value.

He is the most uncritical cheerleader blowhard I've just about ever read.

I was going to ask if he is a relative of Jason Calacanis as it sounds like that type of blowhard not too much depth type spiel

But you haven't actually done anything, and every time I read a word of what you've written, I roll my eyes because you're such a blowhard.

Raganwald is a blowhard whose pathetic attempts to score karma reveal him as an insecure dweeb who cant get over being kicked around in grammar school.

While this guy may be an obnoxious *******/blowhard, I haven't seen you present anything to convince me this guy is a menace worthy of 10 years jail time.

Unfortunately a bad initial structure and a few blowhard members of the board essentially stonewalled any funding for the company and we had to shut down.

Blowhard definitions


a very boastful and talkative person

See also: bragger braggart boaster line-shooter vaunter