Dude in a sentence as a noun

" I mean, sure, you can have as much money as you want... but dude, $3k?

This dude lives in this town and has $400M of untraceable currency?

You shout at him "**** you dude what are you laughing at can't you see I've got a ******* wound on my leg?

Re the emails / support / whatever being stressy... dude.

I hear someone say something racist around me, I offer up a "not cool, dude" and move on.

I was smoking on my fire escape, and saw a dude break a car window and steal a shopping bag out of the back seat.

Catalog all the disappointments of your history if that's what you feel like doing but do so in a way that says "Hey dude.

What happened to the original, informal face-to-face chat?You totally blew it, dude.

Wait, it was just a single smart dude whose actual real name is Satoshi Nakamoto, and here we've been theorizing shadowy pseudonymous cabals of libertarian cryptographers?I feel very silly.

Dude definitions


an informal form of address for a man; "Say, fellow, what are you doing?"; "Hey buster, what's up?"

See also: fellow buster


a man who is much concerned with his dress and appearance

See also: dandy gallant sheik beau swell clotheshorse