Sheik in a sentence as a noun

Seems entirely possible some sheik would want to park a Cessna at the new air strip.

You know, 100 years ago, there was a saying "as rich as an Argentine", like we might say "as rich as a sheik" today.

"The other problem is, if you're a billionaire sheik, you don't just hop on the tube with everybody else.

Plans had been drawn up, and everything was in place and ready to go -- with one hitch: the sheik wanted to see the site for himself.

"The problem is, if you're a billionaire sheik you you have to stay in a a certain class of hotel, and there just wasn't anything appropriate in Canary Wharf.

"Once there was a sheik that was planning to make a 3B investment in a new real estate development in Canary Wharf [located about 5 miles east of the city centre].

Sheik definitions


the leader of an Arab village or family

See also: sheikh


a man who is much concerned with his dress and appearance

See also: dandy dude gallant beau swell clotheshorse