Fellow in a sentence as a noun

I felt this confusion constantly, as did my fellow UAV analysts.

Maybe, his advice is actually more relevant if he's an older fellow who smoked and now regrets not making a different choice when he was your age.

The world has slowly become spineless, and when someone like Josh Hwu shows a spine and stands up for what's right a rather large fraction of fellow programmers jump on him.

", you might ask. Turns out he even had an ulterior motive to be mad at the Army, he had recently been demoted from Specialist for physically assaulting a fellow soldier.

My fellow HNers:It does depress me, daily, that I do not have a career in physics or chemistry or biology or medicine where I could work on "big problems.

Dear fellow HN dwellers,If you read the writings of the Guide's author and do not recognize that it is misogynistic and advocating sexual assault, you have a problem.

I think that was a good thing because it established the principle that joining an organization does not absolve you from higher duties towards your fellow citizens or humanity at large.

He explains people fear that "in the event of a complaint, the officer will just deny the allegations and 'circle the wagons' with his or her fellow officers with the expectation they will take care of their own.

Fellow definitions


a boy or man; "that chap is your host"; "there's a fellow at the door"; "he's a likable cuss"; "he's a good bloke"

See also: chap feller fella gent blighter cuss bloke


a friend who is frequently in the company of another; "drinking companions"; "comrades in arms"

See also: companion comrade familiar associate


a person who is member of one's class or profession; "the surgeon consulted his colleagues"; "he sent e-mail to his fellow hackers"

See also: colleague confrere


one of a pair; "he lost the mate to his shoe"; "one eye was blue but its fellow was brown"

See also: mate


a member of a learned society; "he was elected a fellow of the American Physiological Association"


an informal form of address for a man; "Say, fellow, what are you doing?"; "Hey buster, what's up?"

See also: dude buster


a man who is the lover of a girl or young woman; "if I'd known he was her boyfriend I wouldn't have asked"

See also: boyfriend beau swain