Drove in a sentence as a noun

We drove 4,000 miles over 12 days, and had a great time.

My x-wife dropped me home, told me to pack up and drove up to Toronto the same day.

I was briefly at a startup where the CEO would be in the office from 11am to 8pm and it drove me crazy.

I gave him the results the next day late in the evening and he thanked me and drove off into the sunset.

What drove me to Chrome at the time was the resource hunger and the inferior UI of Firefox, not the video thing.

I've been following the company for a while and recently drove the Model S. Amazing car in almost every way.

As I drove past clubs in San Francisco with their Porsches and Bentleys outside, I felt above it all in my tiny all-electric sports car.

They then asked me to get in the car and we drove around looking for the guy, found him, and they arrested him, and returned the car owners stuff.

As I drove, I felt inexplicably that this was the car of the future -- as a tech aficionado, I was finally driving a car that felt like the future.

Federal prosecutors tried to get this interpretation through the courts with that mother that drove her daughter's 'rival' to ******* via MySpace.

He taught me my all time favorite cuss word when he said, "Move all that shitcrap out of the way."Just the other day, I drove right past that spot, stopped, and sat for a while, remembering the good old days.

Broder in fact drove at speeds from 65 mph to 81 mph for a majority of the trip and at an average cabin temperature setting of 72 F."This seems disingenuous since there is clearly a good chunk on on the graph where the reporter was driving below 55 mph on 95 in CT, which I would not recommend.

Drove definitions


a group of animals (a herd or flock) moving together


a moving crowd

See also: horde swarm


a stonemason's chisel with a broad edge for dressing stone