Horde in a sentence as a noun

But it is easier some how to imagine a crushing horde of people, too many too feed, crammed into pens.

Sometimes you have to horde cash to get ready to make an investment, launch an initiative or hire more people.

I'm one of the nameless horde of programmers that have been integral and famous at companies you've never heard of.

The multiplayer deathmatch allows one team to take the role of monsters, who have the backing of the zombie horde to make up for lack of guns.

Dear UK government: You are putting your technological expertise against a horde bored, horny 14 year old kids.

Today, it's unlikely that some Mongol horde is going to loot my supermarket, so I drink milk and eat cheese because they are really tasty.

I'd much rather have long-viewed leaders running the company than a horde of outsiders looking to maximize short term gain and **** their positions.

How much caring do you really expect me to muster up for this faceless horde of people I'm supposed to be serving?And even when I have met the people I'm serving, they very rarely even make it to the level of acquaintance.

What happens when programmers start truly proselytizing the power of digital creation to the horde of consumers?Considering the lacking macro facilities in algol-syntax derivatives it's important to understand that programmers are not any more rational than economists.

Horde definitions


a vast multitude

See also: host legion


a nomadic community


a moving crowd

See also: drove swarm