Artifice in a sentence as a noun

Build web technology that doesn't need an artifice on top of it to dramatize itself.

I hope this was simply rhetorical artifice rather than a blow by blow account of the meeting.

Actors have a bevy of debates about artifice or insincerity in their roles.

The artifice if social networking replacing the actual social.

Facebook forced me to acknowledge that I like a bit of formality and artifice in my relationships with most people.

I think they did a good job on the presentation, and I somewhat agree with the message, but it just has this layer of artifice on it, that makes me reject it.

To hold otherwise would be to exalt artifice above reality and to deprive the statutory provision in question of all serious purpose.

But now that 48HFR and hi-definition video mimic our eyes better, it's like we are standing on the set, and we suddenly notice the artifice of the previously needed ****.

Exactly, it's about walking the walk -- non-self-consciously and without artifice.

It sets up an exaggerated scenario that is clearly ridiculous, but it is only far enough from the current tulip mania to strip away some of the artifice.

Steals, or without authorization appropriates, takes, carries away, or conceals, or by fraud, artifice, or deception obtains such information .

And a programming language is essentially an idea rather than an artifice and it certainly seems intuitively obvious that giving people ownership of language would get really nasty, really quickly.

A grain effect added to a digital photo is a kind of affectation, an artifice that is not intimately connected to the process of making the image, included as a stylistic decision; possibly an afterthought.

Artifice definitions


a deceptive maneuver (especially to avoid capture)

See also: ruse