Disinvest in a sentence as a verb

Like most get rich quick schemes, they will disintegrate and disinvest a few people of their money as they go.

You'll need to disengage with it enough to keep it at arm's distance, to disinvest much of your self from it.

Based on their past behavior they often do. But they make sure they disinvest before their advice changes...

Wake me up when Qatar disinvests from PSG or when the Saudis stop buying French weapons to oppress their population.

Now people disinvest in their own businesses and subsidize big businesses by investing in their 401K.

Let's disinvest in solving the hard problems that are typically the root cause of intractable poverty.

I chose roles and responsibilities that crushed me, and I failed to emotionally disinvest in the company as it grew.

In order to disinvest there would need to be people willing to buy, but in this case it seems his assets became unsellable pretty much overnight.

That too can be perilous because it risks becoming disinvested from development as a whole and losing your passion entirely.

And presumably all Americans should disinvest from all south American countries

Governments across the globe embrace neoliberal policies and actively disinvest in their own people, cutting services and raising fees.

Privatization isn't a natural outcome of a public corporation running a deficit--it's the result of a political decision to disinvest in that project.

It is an essential public good that is suffering from an unprecedented erosion of public support, with potentially devastating consequences for our students and our economy.> If our country continues to disinvest, we will be abandoning an essential feature of American democracy.

Disinvest definitions


deprive of status or authority; "he was divested of his rights and his title"; "They disinvested themselves of their rights"

See also: divest


reduce or dispose of; cease to hold (an investment); "The company decided to divest"; "the board of trustees divested $20 million in real estate property"; "There was pressure on the university to disinvest in South Africa"

See also: divest


remove (someone's or one's own) clothes; "The nurse quickly undressed the accident victim"; "She divested herself of her outdoor clothes"; "He disinvested himself of his garments"

See also: strip undress divest