Allergen in a sentence as a noun

A coke is ~150 allergen free calories, with a useful dose of sodium and some caffeine.

They already claim Soylent is allergen free, despite using whey protein.

It has the "Contains: Soy" allergen label because it contains a small amount of soy lecithin, which is derived from soybean oil.

And then a hepatotoxic flower, allergen, and estrogen mimic is thrown in.

Yet beta-lactoglobulin is a well known allergen present in whey protein.

Maybe allergen inclusion on the registration form could have informed organizers on the ratio of different foods they could get?

It's more like doing everything possible to avoid allergen because you know that reaction of immune system will be disproportional.

If your allergen blood test measures off the charts, and the gastroenterologist does a biopsy and its all inflamed, even if you claim to "feel fine" it would be dumb to keep eating wheat.

We already know what sugar does: provide clean, metabolically efficient, allergen free calories.

Allergen definitions


any substance that can cause an allergy