Discriminatory in a sentence as an adjective

It's not because I want to be racially discriminatory.

The right response is to discuss his software -- not to make discriminatory comments about religion.

This is one of those cases where I find myself wanting the professor to first sit down and very precisely say what they think "non-discriminatory" would mean in this context.

His word choices are not hate speech or discriminatory so the fact that they may offend your sensibilities has precisely zero relevance to anything.

It's no different than saying "must be a former Boy Scout", which immediately disqualifies all females and thus is discriminatory.

I think there are subtle but significant effects when people know that it is not okay to behave in a bullying or discriminatory manner because HR takes those things seriously.

It's against the Ontario Human Rights code to ask any question on a written or oral application that classifies someone on a discriminatory ground.

Which of our business practices company policies are going to be discriminatory, detrimental, outdated, and headline worthy in 60 years?

Perhaps your interview process is designed to weed out false positives more than false negatives, so it's accurate to the 99th percentile, but then gives no discriminatory power.

They again wave their hands about "discriminatory policies" but fail to actually point out a single policy that might explain higher healthcare expenditures by singles.

Actually, that specific denial is limited to two items: gender based discrimination by Tom Preston-Werner and his wife, and the existence of a discriminatory/hostile workspace.

In order for something to be sexist it either has to make assumptions about the qualities of a given sex based only upon their gender, or be discriminatory toward a given sex based solely upon their gender.

Who knows what healthcare providers will vacuum up such leaks?Who knows what kind of discriminatory practices will be undertaken by service providers, insurers, or even employers in the future?Haven't y'all ever watched Gattaca?

Discriminatory definitions


being biased or having a belief or attitude formed beforehand; "a prejudiced judge"

See also: prejudiced


containing or implying a slight or showing prejudice; "discriminatory attitudes and practices"; "invidious comparisons"

See also: invidious


capable of making fine distinctions

See also: discriminative


manifesting partiality; "a discriminatory tax"; "preferential tariff rates"; "preferential treatment"; "a preferential shop gives priority or advantage to union members in hiring or promoting"

See also: preferential