Preferential in a sentence as an adjective

Why have values when preferential treatment is at risk, right?

I'm not going to carve out preferential scheduling for it, though, so it will be dribs and drabs when the team has downtime.

It's not a myth that native apps are faster because they get preferential access to the hardware, for instance, it's just a fact.

A more direct way to say it is, I'm also part of the "problem" of YC funded companies getting preferential treatment.

Paul, please don't get me wrong, but I would like to politely point out the exception; job posts from YC companies do get preferential treatment in rankings on the front page.

It's not unbelievable that there have been numerous other minor instances of some form of preferential treatment or sexism.

" However, preferential treatment of these companies does not exist, the criteria are the same for everybody.

AV isn't the perfect preferential voting system, but it's our only hope of a transition to any form of preferential voting right now, which opens the door for refinement later instead of closing the debate for another 20 years.

By what sense of entitlement does the columnist expect preferential treatment by Google or anyone else merely due to the fact that you have a religious group?By coupling charitable activities to religious activities you raise questions about your motives.

I'm incredibly reluctant to post in threads like this, but I think this attitude is actually hurting diversity in the industry: excessive "chivalry" by males gives more of an illusion of preferential treatment when women stand up to discrimination, which is just more fuel for the gender war fire.

Preferential definitions


manifesting partiality; "a discriminatory tax"; "preferential tariff rates"; "preferential treatment"; "a preferential shop gives priority or advantage to union members in hiring or promoting"

See also: discriminatory