Coupe in a sentence as a noun

In point of fact, my grandma drives a Mercedes coupe.

Of course in 2010 they introduced an SUV on that platform, then in 2012 they introduced a coupe.

This isn't a sedan vs coupe or sedan vs pickup truck comparison.

The W203 coupe wasn't a failure but it wasn't as high of priority as introducing the W204 sedan.

Why do you call the hatch-back C class a "failure"?When Mercedes released the W204 C-Class platform in 2008 it dropped coupe and hatchback options.

I am a programmer who enjoys his work, make a very, very good living, and have managed to build a coupe of profitable businesses.

I presume there would be corporate tax laws introduced that would re-coupe most dollars associated with employees.

When the pace car is out -- and mind you, this is a top-of-the-line Mercedes sports coupe -- it's going around the track just as fast as it can, tires squealing and the whole works.

Do people who drive like grandmas spend bread on a 200 hp Mercedes coupe?According to this article [1], Hastings describes himself as a "a recovering drunk/addict/screw-up.

>Do people who drive like grandmas spend bread on a 200 hp Mercedes coupe?I know a guy with at least a dozen cars, including a McLaren F1, drives way more cautiously than most grandmothers I know.

Coupe definitions


a car with two doors and front seats and a luggage compartment