Lessened in a sentence as an adjective

I've lessened my own commenting in new threads because of this.

But a lot of the benefits of a very free market are lessened when the number of suppliers is small.

At the same time, slaves themselves possess a lessened responsibility for their actions, and receive half the penalty required upon a free man.

Styles have been developed, the urgency for new features to be rolled in Right Now is lessened, and the need for components that doesn't break on upgrades becomes more and more important.

So much so I would say it has lessened the amount of time I spend on Facebook, which is probably a net-positive for me personally, but I suspect that was not Facebook's goal here.

You thought the global economic recession's impact on London, the financial capital of the world, would be lessened by the government putting ten people in an office and asking them to talk about startups?

All the sublime and textmate fans I know are almost always just writing their own code from scratch, or using a small subset of well-known plugins for popular framework X. Taking code written by someone you didn't know, who perhaps didn't even know language foo very well, is a pain that is lessened somewhat by using a capable IDE vs a plain text editor.

Over time, both strategies were tried, and both reported limited success in helping individual dogs overcome their bonelessness -- but despite this success, the bonelessness problem on the island never lessened in the aggregate.

Lessened definitions


impaired by diminution

See also: diminished vitiated weakened


decreased in severity; made less harsh