Dumbness in a sentence as a noun

Oh ****.. Excuse my dumbness for not checking the date on it.

How much of a person's "dumbness" can be removed by changing the external factors?

Not to disagree that some examples of lefty dumbness would have improved the article.

It's true, if you assume "dumbness" distribution is symmetric around the mean.

It wasn't navigating the forest of unstructured innate dumbness in the world.

For the majority it will be the same ever increasing dumbness that has been going on for decades.

Its deliberate dumbness can be tiresome, but on the other hand, if you're running into that, it's a code smell.

Hence the dumbness of a non-universal, opt-in system.

How is legislating the dumbness of the pipe 'imposing ideology'?

"From this perspective, the article is pointing out the dumbness of some due diligence methods currently being used at software companies.

Versus, if you're a jerk who likes dumb comments, you'll be stung often enough to feel inhibition and a need to contemplate a comment's jerkiness and dumbness before hitting the up arrow.

They will be constructed by governments, by corporations, and by us in unequal measure,...""We will define and regiment our lives, including our social lives and our perceptions of ourselves, in ways that are conducive to what a computer can “understand.” Their dumbness will become ours.

Dumbness definitions


the quality of being mentally slow and limited

See also: denseness slow-wittedness