Demagog in a sentence as a noun

It is the same idiot-demagog loop of "We must do something and this is something! The fix made it worse?

> > but the system is not completely broken > That's demagogy. Uh...

But this is just weak - I've read a few things from him before, he didn't seem to know much about the subject and it was mostly demagogy. It does beg the question - why is he held in such high regard by some people ?

Basically, this was easy to see and well-known to economists that aren't neo-liberal demagogs.

> blatant manipulation of the mob I am sorry but a LOT of the big, influential NGOs are very guilty of that and of abusing polemic and demagogy. They seem to think their generally just causes/ideals justify almost all means.

It's all just an empty demagogy in lawyers style. EME is about DRM, but the language was made generic to avoid mentioning DRM. So to make things fair and clear - EME is intended to serve the cause of those who push DRM on the Web. And it's enough of a reason to oppose EME.

Until now they engaged in empty threats and demagogy. They make tons of money by dominating the market, and when some potential completion shows up they try to prevent its adoption by spreading empty FUD. So it has nothing to do with patent encumbrance, it's just about their greed and thirst for market domination.

I'm not interested in discussing whether the NSA spying is lawful, the point of my post was to counter the demagogy of 'oh he was just downloading stuff within his rights and then they killed him'. He deliberately broke the law, which is exactly what 'activism' is, but then when the time came to reap what he sewed, well we all know what happened then.

Even if they follow there should fundamentally be constraints to protect the rights of the minority for otherwise it follows the "populist" demagog to mob rule to dictatorship progression. A moral authority implies leadership - that others would trust and defer to for moral judgment.

Demagog definitions


a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular passions and prejudices

See also: demagogue rabble-rouser