Rabble-rouser in a sentence as a noun

Yes, "rabble-rouser" is a great word for this person, but what the heck is the point of rousing rabble against this?

I agree, the author's tone makes it obvious that he's a rabble-rouser who went in with the explicit goal of finding a scandal.

0-medkarma could be a rabble-rouser, 3-medkarma is consistently meaningful.

"Not surprisingly perhaps, Horton's fellow anarch and rabble-rouser Finn is also unimpressed with Lambda's current state of affairs, though his complaints, typically, are a little more down-to-earth.

Unless you take pleasure in misinforming yourself and becoming angered over falsehoods, you're just playing into the hands of a particularly nefarious and persistent rabble-rouser.

"Does the twitter dispute context help as much as her contributions to her field and whatever the specific paper and terms of its publication?No clue personally, but now I know it's a "bad thing" and she's a "rabble-rouser that likely had it coming".

> Why should being poor exclude you from the use of history -- recognizing when you're being used by a rabble-rouser, literature -- understanding and being understood by your neighbors who may be different from you, or grammar -- being able to participate at even the most basic level in public debate?

Why should being poor exclude you from the use of history -- recognizing when you're being used by a rabble-rouser, literature -- understanding and being understood by your neighbors who may be different from you, or grammar -- being able to participate at even the most basic level in public debate?

Rabble-rouser definitions


a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular passions and prejudices

See also: demagogue demagog