Deficit in a sentence as a noun

One way is to label it a deficit in executive function.

I think they feed a culture of passivity and attention deficit.

Incidentally, this sort of thing happened a few years ago, and was accompanied by a huge drop in the size of the trade deficit.

What he's trying to say is that reducing the budget deficit is more a question of political will than economics.

After the economy has stabilized, the deficit problem can be overcome by growth.

In fact, sugar is fantastic for stimulating muscle growth [3], and can help with diet adherence during a caloric deficit [4].

But the further you go into life, the harder it is to proceed, succeed and be happy with a major deficit in social intelligence.

It must, of course, borrow the money and therefore increase its deficit by doing so, but that's a worthwhile thing to do when the alternative is default.

Canada did have a deficit problem, but it wasnt caused by spending on unemployment insurance and other social programs.

Engaging in deficit spending in ones family would be a great idea if you had an unlimited line of infinite forgiveable-borrowing at 0% from a reserve bank.

In particular, lifting weights will help your overall physique even if you're eating at a caloric deficit -- but the most important activity is the one that you like enough to make a habit.

Companies like Red Hat and Canonical realized that they could exploit the deficit of community organizing to charge high rents for libre software, so long as they don't care seriously about the freedom of users.

Deficit definitions


the property of being an amount by which something is less than expected or required; "new blood vessels bud out from the already dilated vascular bed to make up the nutritional deficit"

See also: shortage shortfall


a deficiency or failure in neurological or mental functioning; "the people concerned have a deficit in verbal memory"; "they have serious linguistic deficits"


(sports) the score by which a team or individual is losing


an excess of liabilities over assets (usually over a certain period); "last year there was a serious budgetary deficit"