Shortfall in a sentence as a noun

I'm frankly surprised that there is any sort of funding shortfall for this idea.

This neatly demonstrates what the alternative to "gouging" is - a shortfall of supply.

The $4 billion in revenue from prop 30 earmarked for schools will barely cover the state's shortfall in its teacher pension fund.

This is pretty smart recruiting by livingsocial, certainly one way to bridge the talent shortfall, but i wonder what happens if someone wants to leave?

"If you've got some real reason to believe 2013's finances are different, and believe the foundation is lying about their reasons for the shortfall, then do let us know.

They didn't switch from Erlang because of some language or implementation shortfall, but because after two years no one on staff was proficient in the language.

But it hasn't been raised since the 90's and since it's a per-gallon tax and not a percent tax, its funding has decreased as Americans buy more efficient cars and thus fewer gallons of gas. I don't have links, but I've seen graphs indicating that the fund regularly runs at a shortfall now, and getting worse.

Shortfall definitions


the property of being an amount by which something is less than expected or required; "new blood vessels bud out from the already dilated vascular bed to make up the nutritional deficit"

See also: deficit shortage