Decorate in a sentence as a verb

[1] Elsewhere I was told that she was inspired ... to decorate her classroom in a jungle theme.

"Create better systems, don't decorate the walls with nonsense "motivating" junk.

With augmented reality, you could even sell "stickers" to decorate your bot or battle car, etc.

I enjoy witty and insightful as much as the next person but would not wish to work at a place where truisms decorate the halls.

You could build your own house, and eventually not only decorate it but design the layout from scratch all by yourself.

I know of people who've bought plants at Home Depot to decorate for guests, and then returned them after a month of not watering them!

The developer may decorate his muddling with tests and wordy comments, but it is still muddling around.

Malala for US is I think convenient PR fodder, something useful to screen/decorate their drone program with.

For example, they decorate every method with, "throws Exception.

I seriously doubt that they're the same people that sink money into Facebook games to buy virtual goods that let them decorate their farms or give their avatars new haircuts...

Look for opportunities to involve employees in office decision-making and let them arrange and decorate their own work areas.-Real support of their outside lives.

Deeply nested DOM structures are usually the result of engineers who don't understand the box model and so over-decorate their DOMs with more markup than is semantically or functionally necessary.

" they are inter-related of course, but any good software architect has their eyes fixed on the problem so they don't get distracted by the opportunities to 'decorate'.I like asking people what they think the 'architect' does, that is to weed out people who think architect implies a leadership role, it can be but it isn't necessarily.

Or as they continue on their Facebook-page:"If you want to help; start a tracker, arrange a manifestation, join or start a pirate party, teach your friends the art of bittorrent, set up a proxy, write your political representatives, develop a new p2p protocol, print some pro piracy posters and decorate your town with, support our promo bay artists or just be a nice person and give your mom a call to tell her you love her.

Decorate definitions


make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.; "Decorate the room for the party"; "beautify yourself for the special day"

See also: adorn grace ornament embellish beautify


be beautiful to look at; "Flowers adorned the tables everywhere"

See also: deck adorn grace embellish beautify


award a mark of honor, such as a medal, to; "He was decorated for his services in the military"


provide with decoration; "dress the windows"

See also: dress