Deck in a sentence as a noun

"reads like Broder was trying to stack the deck"I disagree.

But let me be clear that this deck is good, and raises a lot of valid concerns.

The first pitch deck they put together for investors was mediocre.

[0]Finally, as noted the game stacks the deck against reality.

This deck was clearly intended to augment a presentation -- where is that archived?

Is there a time of year that it's all hands on deck and we're pulling all-nighters, or is it pretty consistent throughout the year?

And they threw the cargo into the sea to lighten the ship.\nBut Jonah had gone below deck, where he lay down and fell into a deep sleep.

Deck in a sentence as a verb

It was for an audience of 4 other people who knew less about zsh than me. I can't believe someone posted it to HN!That explains the "this slide deck is getting traffic" email I got from Slideshare this morning.

Even if individuals do, even if YOU do, it doesn't matter one bit unless we're treating it as an all-hands-on-deck emergency.

I hate asking to be spoon-fed, but I find it exceptionally difficult to glean anything from context-free slide decks posted to SlideShare.

That implements Erlang-like mailboxes and network clustering, and I've got a supervisor tree implementation on deck for Github too.

In our fundraising deck, we had our total addressable market at something like $100M, which was ridiculous considering our vision was just airbeds.

This story made it 1/3rd up the front page; stories based on the most extreme possible interpretation of what seems to be Greenwald's own extreme interpretation of a slide deck covered the entire front page for days.

The way I memorize is to associate every card with an object and its corresponding action, and memorizing the deck of cards is a matter of creating a sequence of events that corresponds to the sequence of cards.

Deck definitions


any of various platforms built into a vessel


street name for a packet of illegal drugs


a pack of 52 playing cards


a porch that resembles the deck on a ship


be beautiful to look at; "Flowers adorned the tables everywhere"

See also: adorn decorate grace embellish beautify


decorate; "deck the halls with holly"

See also: bedight bedeck


knock down with force; "He decked his opponent"

See also: coldcock dump floor