Elated in a sentence as an adjective

Here's how it will go. You'll make some money, and you'll feel smart and elated.

As the stock bubbled up I was elated; as it fell, I quickly became depressed.

I was mucking around with C for a few hours today and was elated to see your email!

If our body holds out and we don't feel like puking after that one or many hills, we can feel elated.

.however, in my previous job I was elated with the way HR improved the hiring process in my department.

For such a young language, I'm elated at the quality of our community contributions.

However if elative uses relate to elated things, then surely dative uses in English relate to dated things, right?

They are briefly elated, then anxious and unhappy.

Initially we were elated that we had a "receptive" tour guide, but by the end we began to suspect that it was all a ruse to put us at ease.

We are elated to announce the next step in this journey""It’s been an immensely exciting journey and we are humbled by the support we received along the way.

Which is what you would expect, unless the OP was Guido, wouldn't you?If my patch, how much so ever minuscule, was merged into CPython, I would be similarly elated as well.

As the founder of a hybrid html/flash site, I have been sorely missing the opportunity to demo my work on a tablet - but I was elated by the performance of flash on my tablet.

Elated definitions


exultantly proud and joyful; in high spirits; "the elated winner"; "felt elated and excited"


full of high-spirited delight; "a joyful heart"

See also: gleeful joyful jubilant