Cudgel in a sentence as a noun

In the world of ultra-high DPI touch input, your thumb is a veritable cudgel.

I always hear the 'what about off-cycle demand' used as a cudgel against things like wind/solar/hydro/etc. .

Just because the law gets used as a cudgel doesn't mean that judges approve of this. It's just that some lawyers know how to make fairness really expensive.

I assume erlang is not running in IOS - I will read up Thank you for taking the time to cudgel new knowledge into an old brain Cheers

So pending patents can in fact be used as a cudgel, to get licensees to pay for a guarantee that if the patent is approved, they won't be socked with outlandish royalty demands. It's like insurance.

We could point out that, for the last 30-odd years, Strunk and White's "Elements of Style" has served as the homogenizing cudgel used to beat every writer's voice into submission. But, by and large, the influence of EoS has been a good thing.

To say the rules are like a cudgel instead of a scapel would be right but as a citizen I can see where my government is coming from. Like the comment below said, generally yes to freedom to instead of freedom from.

Very often a blind cudgel of personal prejudice, often mixed with Management best-practice du jour. Mayer may be smarter than the last, but apparently not than the rest.

Apple wouldn't be using the patent system as a cudgel if it couldn't be used in that way. Patent reform should be the top priority in the tech industry, but they're all too busy using it to batter each other to death.

This isn't to say they never used teleprompters in their life; just that when they were running for the nomination, it was a useful cudgel to bash Obama and implicitly Mitt. That's why they were known as pretty gaffe-prone candidates.

It upsets their primary business partners and reinforces the "China regularly violates human rights" stereotype that the West uses as a cudgel. 3.

And throttling all VPN/SSH traffic and using that as a cudgel to extract fees from more companies is also not only feasible, but perfectly in line with their incentives.

Cudgel in a sentence as a verb

> I'm all for opinionated language design, but when you use your compiler to cudgel your coders at the cost of productivity, you lose. Well, the thing is that in the long run, the cost of any software system is dominated by fixing bugs with high degree of latency.

Privatization gets used as a cudgel to force through funding cuts for all sorts of things. What it actually does is cut the legs out of the very private industries which would hire science graduates, because they're usually involved with providing various public services to the government in the first place.

It's a cudgel that monkeypatches the stdlib Pathname. A proper solution would be a Pathname subclass that Sprockets uses directly, allowing for customized behavior without potential side-effects in other systems.

But the idea that competition and the free market is a panacea for all problems financial and social is too often used as a crutch by bureaucrats and politicians who don't want to do their god damn jobs, and as a cudgel by idiot pundits on the payroll of big business, as we see here. Just fix the TSA. Edit: and it appears Forbes stores your passwords as plaintext.

Businessmen are not interested in ideology, if they can use the government as a cudgel against their opponents, or a crutch to sustain them in hard times, they will. Every time the government's power over the economy has been expanded, advocates of the free market have pointed this fact out and been ignored.

Patents only inhibit innovation when they can be used as a cudgel to force inventors into paying exorbitant fees. If fees are inversely proportional to the proliferation of patents in an area, the natural incentive is to only patent that which is important.

Just as you see the entrenched cab industry attempting to cudgel Uber out of the marketplace, so too do entrenched interests use tax law to their advantage or to their competitors' disadvantage. People who say decisions are not affected by tax are saying that decisions are made on factors other than net profit after tax.

Game journalists" are a notoriously corrupt and incestuous group who are currently cynically propping up "gender diversity in games" as an issue to use as a cudgel in order to generate more pageviews for their work and to further their own careers. The recent Zoe Quinn debacle is a perfect illustration of this dynamic.

Yes, over and over again, copyright law has been demonstrated to be, in practice, a cudgel used by the big guys against the little guys and not the other way around. This is, like, the fifth or six instance of copyright violation by the "copyright protectors" that been in the news over the past few years and hardly the most flagrant - someone even plagiarized a pro-copyright press release at one point.

Terrorism is a useful cudgel for tyranny because it hits the convenient sweet spot of high profile incidents to rally around, nationalist xenophobia, and maximally invading the civil liberties of otherwise thoughtful citizens.

Now that Amazon has used the patent system as a cudgel to achieve a stable position in the market it fears having other companies do to it what it once did to them, Now that Google has used its patents to achieve a solid lock on the search and search advertising market the benefits of strong patents seem less compelling to the founders & board members of that company. If you want credibility then talk about patent reform on the way up, not once you have reached the top and no longer need them to maintain your dominance.

Quote Examples using Cudgel

This is an analysis of the cudgel that the prosecutors were about to use on Aaron. This is about whether the charges were likely to stick in court. The analysis says that the cudgel was very strong. Aaron had real cause to fear. And his defense was going to face an uphill battle. I look forward to part 2, which is explicitly supposed to be an analysis of whether or not the cudgel should have been swung in the first place.


Cudgel definitions


a club that is used as a weapon


strike with a cudgel

See also: fustigate